HomeOur Story Start @ Beginning

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Nothing feels better than being at home. Although most of our time has been spent unpacking and cleaning, it has been wonderful! Our journey back home was a long and tedious one. The trip was going by pretty fast until a downpour caught us right before getting to Ozona. We had our van and a rented pickup truck packed (no tarp!), so my recliner and a few boxes got soaked! I was infuriated..but not for long! I think God apologized...about an hour before getting home we saw a beautiful full rainbow and another half one right next to it. I was able to take a few pictures, but the second rainbow didn't come out too dark.

There was also a beautiful sunset that welcomed us home!

Isaac is still doing very well...thankfully he hasn't caught any other bugs since we've been home. He had his first appointment with his pediatrician here and his drug levels still have to be checked every two weeks for awhile. We have been set up with ECI to continue working on physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech. Today was his first evaluation and then we need to set up his evaluation with each therapist to see what he needs as far as any type of therapy. We are also still continually working on his feeding (mostly baby food). Because he has not had his swallow study done yet, we are still hesitant to try bottles on him. We have though, don't get me wrong. His formula has to be thickened (pretty thick) so it is even harder for him to try to suck, swallow, and breath. He hasn't completely learned how to roll over on his own either...I think it'll take a little more time. He also does not do too much cooing yet...unless he accidentally surprises himself. We've been trying so hard to make him start laughing too. I've heard him a few times...its a short laugh..but so cute! We'll get there! People have to understand that because he was intubated for so long that it is almost like he is 4 months old rather than almost 7 months old. Our next trip to Houston is on October 8th. Since transplant clinics are on Thursdays, we have to leave on Wenesday...looong trip. We also have to figure out a way to get the rest of our stuff back home. So nothing much else except for loving the home environment. We are home, both kids are here, and the weather is wonderful. I've grown to really love the coolness and will not ever take it for granted. Bye for now and thank you everyone again for your constant thoughts and prayers.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day

And what a Happy Labor Day it is.....the day before we go back home to Midland. We had been released since this past Thursday but more drug levels had to be checked this past Sunday. Not much else has changed with Isaac except that he's growing and being a cute baby. We're all packed and ready to go...so excited that I couldn't remember what else I was gonna post. Just wanted to let everyone know that we have finally been released and are headed for home tomorrow (Tuesday 9-8-09). What a day to remember...the first time Isaac will see his real home!!! God Bless all that pray for us and especially Isaac. We wouldn't be where we are now if it wasn't for the family and friends that have supported us throughout this journey. Please stay tuned and watch for other pictures and updates (although probably not so often as I had done before)...Again, hope everyone had a great Labor Day...I know we did...even though most was spent packing up.

We also wanted to share some pictures of when we took the kids to Galveston. We only stayed for a few hours but those few hours were worth it. How come no one told us that the beaches were so gorgeous there. We even found a native hermit crab. Ernest wanted to kill it to take its pretty shell...Barbaric huh? Just to let you know, I did let him go back into his ocean.

Here is Isaac working on his trunk control before we left for Galveston.


A Dedication to the Angel that gave me my new heart!

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