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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Doing Phenomenal

Hi all. Yep, sorry for not updating in almost three weeks. Although, its not easy to know whether people are even reading the updates because there are not usually any comments made. But anyways, now I do know. Thanks to all of you who follow along Isaac's journey.

As you know, Isaac is home with us and he is a full time job (sometimes overtime). But well worth it! Eli is here also and helps me out (when he wants to). Isaac has to take 14 different medicines in a 24 hour period and some are even twice a day. Most medicines aren't long term but he'll still be on at least 5 or 6 lifetime medicines. So, you can imagine how busy I am. We've all got our routine all set up now. He had his first clinic appointment last Thursday, and although it was a long day, it went very well. Nothing much is new except for weaning some medications slowly. His new heart is functioning very well. They just have to get his immunosuppressants at therapeutic levels in his blood. As far as we've been told, the minimum that they have us staying in Houston is three months, but it all depends on how Isaac is doing on his medications. So, we're hoping mid-September (before Eli's 4th b-day) or early October. We can't wait to take him home and show him off. His vocal cords are getting stronger and stronger. We can definitely hear his cry. We've been continually working on his physical therapy. Because he was so used to being still and having his hands restrained by his head, it took awhile to get his muscles developed. He can now almost hold his own head up and has discovered that he can play with his hands. His personality is so cute already. He's already so spoiled. He knows that when he's crying, I'll pick him up and as soon as I do, he stops. What a pooper!

On another note, our family would like to thank all the companies involved with the Brisket/bake sale but especially EOG for generously putting the whole even together. I know some of our family probably took some pictures. EOG has sent me what they took and I was waiting for family to send me others. I haven't received anymore, so here is what we have. Again, thank yo so much. Our family is grateful for everyone who had a hand in it. May God Bless you all and repay you ten-fold. Love you all!

And here are some pictures of our wonderful days at home.


  1. Wow, I can't imagine the routine and meds for your baby boy! You and your family are AMAZING! Isaac is lucky to have found you!

  2. Yay!! I am so so happy you are home! Congrats! Isn't it GREAT??

    He look so wonderful! Amazingly wonderful! It only gets better from here on out.

    Mimi and Mia

  3. Awwww....I can't wait to see him again. He's such a precious little boy!

    I'm going to try and get our October clinic in early....I hope we get to see you all when we are down there. (Selfish, I know!)

    Love to all 4 of you,

    Amy, Logan & Seth

  4. It is so awesome that everything is going so well.

  5. I try and read ya'll'blog on a daily basis to see what's new and how ya'll are doing. We are so glad that all of ya'll are doing well.

    Clarissia Lynn

  6. Hi--I can't wait to see more pictures. Still planning to make a trip there this summer. I'm constantly looking for tickets.


Please leave your comments and prayers!

A Dedication to the Angel that gave me my new heart!

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