Happy Father's Day to all those hardworking dads out there. Dad wants to thank all that texted him today, and here is his message to you......
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I think Dad had a good Father's Day weekend. Although, Friday was busy with moving and all, Eli also came this weekend. We were able to take him to the Houston Aquarium yesterday. We all had fun!

So, that's about it....
Oh wait, I suppose I have to give an Isaac update right? Isaac is doing awesome and a step closer to coming home to our new apartment. There is one main thing holding him back at the moment, and that's the feeding issue. Occupational therapy comes by every day to work with him and us, and he seems to get better every day. He just forgot how to suck and is trying to bite instead of suck. Even if he does learn in the next few days, he will probably not be able to take his whole feed. He will still most likey go home with a
g-tube. Yes, it is another surgery but not near as risky as his other surgeries. Tomorrow, he is going for a swallow study. Because his vocal cords are still paralyzed, they want to rest assure that any liquid that goes down his mouth will not go to his lungs instead of his stomach. They will see whether he will need thickener for his milk or just straight milk when we go home. Then, even after all of that, he will need to go in for a catheter procedure to balloon his inferior vena cava (IVC) because it is getting smaller. Getting blockages in the veins is not necessarily a bad thing, but because he will need this vein for future heart biopsies, he has to get this done also. Doctors are saying that if all goes well, we could be home in less than two weeks...!!!! So, we've got three procedures that he has to do...a barium study, g-tube surgery, and heart cath to balloon his IVC. I won't even tell you how many meds he's on at the moment, because some are getting weaned down, and some he won't need when we go home. That's about it for now. We're anxious to see what the results for the swallow study are tomorrow. Pray that things go well. God Bless all. Here are some smiles for you to enjoy.