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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

*Crossing Our Fingers*

Today is another big day. Isaac is back in an interventional catheter to hopefully fix his problem. His cath doctor is doing this together with an interventional radiographer because it'll show the smaller veins and arteries a whole lot better. His cath doctor has spoken with the cardiology team and with the radiologist and who know whom else to get all their opinions on what their plan was. So what they told us was that they were going to see if they could plug any abnormal arteries that they saw. We're crossing our fingers that after this, he may not bleed anymore and his respiratory rate might be a little lower. All of the docs have said that there are no guarantees that he won't bleed again, but that is why he is keeping us locally for awhile. So, I'll update more when we get more info on how it's coming along.

In the meantime, we are staying at the Ronald McDonald House that is located a few blocks away. It is such a blessing to have a place like this. This place has everything we need that we would have at home. They provide a family pantry, and family fridge and so forth. We also have an alotted pantry and refrigerator space for groceries that we want to get. Plus, lunch and dinners are donated pretty much everyday. This is probably the busiest season too! Yesterday was an exciting day...the Houston Rockets came and brought presents and took pictures with the patients and families. They gave us a present and a Houston Rockets onesie for Isaac and I was also able to get a Houston Rockets basketball for Eli. I'll post the pictures as soon as I get them. If all things go well, Eli is scheduled to come tomorrow with a generous co-worker who offered his time to take Eli and my mother halfway to Houston. Ernest will be driving the other half. We thought that this Christmas might be horrible with the flu quarantine and all, but we just found out today that Eli will be able to visit his brother in his room (whichever room it may be). When we've been here these past months, Eli was not allowed in the patient room to see his brother because of flu season. Siblings were allowed in the hospital but not in the patient rooms. I'm so happy that they were nice enough to allow him visitations. We're happy, excited but stressed at the same time. I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday! Love you all! Now here are a few pictures for you to enjoy....

This one was taken shortly after extubation a few days ago.

This is Isaac resting yesterday....

And this is the cute ornament with his name at the Ronald McDonald House.


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