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Monday, December 14, 2009

When it Rains it Pours!!!!

We thought the hardest part was over.......

Our hearts have just been chewed up, spit out and stepped on....so let me explain.

From the last time that I posted, we had been released to go home (Midland) after Isaac's last bleeding episode thinking that it would not happen again because we were given medicine to cure the probable ulcer somewhere in his GI tract. Well, like I said, "when it rains, it pours." On our way back home from Houston, Ernest found out that his mother passed away from a heart attack. The heart attack came from her having a UTI, then it got to her kidneys and finally her blood got infected. When the blood becomes infected, the blood is poisoned and starts building plaque and affecting other organs. Well, this is what happened and she passed so unexpectedly. To make a long story short, we had many people visiting and the funeral service was scheduled for Saturday. Saturday, Ernest was out running last minute errands and I was home with the kids and starting to get ready when I heard Isaac coughing on his monitor. I immediately went to go pick him up and knew what was about to happen...he started coughing up blood again. I called 911, they picked us up within minutes and headed to the hospital. Ernest showed up a few minutes later and we were told they were getting paperwork ready to airlift him. Ernest got to Houston with Isaac at about noon and I caught a plane at 4:10pm and got there an hour later. While in the emergency room, the doctors said that it was in Isaac's best interest to be intubated. So when I arrived, it was hard to see my son with a breathing tube in his mouth. We all knew that it WAS in his best interest and dealt as best as we could. That night, he was kept sedated and comfortable so as to keep him from pulling out the tube. We were called in the next morning because they decided to gett the scopes going to see what was going on once and for all. The procedure took all but 30 mins and when the doctor came to speak to us, he said that the area of bleed that he saw was most likely the culprit. He said that he could not see the details and extent of it, but that the bleeding was coming from the left upper lobe of his lung. So then, that day was pretty much the same as the last with keeping him comfortable and sedated, but they told us that the next step would be to schedule a CT angiogram and get a long-term picc line in place at the same time. He was taken in today at about 1pm for both procedures and it didn't take long for those also. The hard part was waiting for the results of the CT. This is where it gets complicated..
We were told that the scan did give them the information that they were looking for. What they saw was that the artery that leads from his left lung to the heart was extrmemely long, narrow and blocked. From this information, their next step is to do a heart catheter to get even more data on how to fix it. Since the problematic area is almost impossible to fix, if they cannot figure out how to repair it during the cath, a few more options will have to be thrown on the table. Three considerations are to remove part of that lung that is affected, remove that whole lung, or even a whole lung transplant. Family and friends keep asking us what we need and how we are feeling. We're almost speechless and don't know what to think anymore. All we can ask for is prayers. Pray that maybe they can figure out a way to fix this with a minimally invasive procedure. Pray that the doctors can make the almost impossible, possible. Pray that Isaac stays strong throught this whole matter. Pray that whatever doctors decide to do, is the right choice. Pray for the family and friends that we hold dear to our hearts. Pray for our family's faith and strength, and most of all please pray that we are able to keep the faith. God Bless you all and I will keep updating as I get more information.



  1. We will continue to keep you in our prayers!


  2. I'm sorry to hear about Ernest's mother and Issac's woes. I will keep ya'll in my prayers.

  3. We are on our knees for your family. We pray for peace and strength for y'all and for a quick recovery for Isaac. Please, please let us know if you need anything. We are only an hour away.

  4. To Issac's Family:
    I was reading your blog and my heart sank;however, here is a scripture that I found on another blog.
    Zephaniah 3:17
    The Lord God is with you;
    he is mighty to save.
    He will take great delight in you;
    he will quiet you with his love.
    He will rejoice over you with singing
    Gramma Anna
    Elle's grandmother

  5. We are praying so hard for you all knowing that our Savior can move mountains. We love you all and are here for anything you need. Call me anytime....and I mean anytime!!

  6. I am so sorry to hear about Isaac's latest problems. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Lois Petska
    Braden's Grandma

  7. I have been following your blog after a friend told me about you and your family. My sincerest sympathy goes out to your family for the passing of your Mother-in-Law. I will hold you and your family in my thoughts and prayers for Baby Issac and hope that he makes a quick recovery.

    God Bless.

  8. I am so sorry Jessica just remember God is right beside you and your family and will never leave your side he knows what you are going through and our prayers our with you always remember prayer is what keeps our faith building more and more. God Bless you and your family. Brenda Galindo

  9. Jessica,
    I am so sorry to hear all this news. I know it must be devastating. I have you on my prayer list and pray fervently for you family to continue to have the strength and faith in the Lord.
    In Him,

  10. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you through this trying time. Please do not despair, for God is with you and your family through this trying time. May God bless you and your family.

    Michelle Lara


Please leave your comments and prayers!

A Dedication to the Angel that gave me my new heart!

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