It took longer than Normal because of artery access but they were able to get in. One of the main arteries in the groin was totally blocked and inaccessible and the other artery was blocked but still accessible. So they are in the process of placing stents in there so that it stays open. They were unfortunately unable to do anything about the lung problem, so we have yet to speak with the doctors about our next option. If no other problems exist then it looks as of that lung will have to be removed. They were also able to go ahead and perform a biopsy of his heart muscle. This is done for all transplanted kids to check for rejection. He was not scheduled for one untill next year but I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and get it done. This is all the info I have for now.
Just wanted you guys to know that we at the Kermit office are following all the Baby Isaac updates and we are keeping you all in our prayers!