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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another Heart Cath

So...we thought we'd be moving to the 15th floor,but doctors have decided that they need to do another heart cath. This will be done to put a stent in a hole that Isaacs heart has that is getting smaller. I can,t remember what its called, but its a hole that his heart needs to keep his body's bloodflow steady. Doctors have not told us when but they said sometime next week. They had been trying to wean him off of the oxygen but haven,t been able to and that's when they noticed that the hole was getting smaller. They had warned us about this before but we're still so scared because its still a procedure where he has to go under anesthesia and get intubated and all that mess. It hurts our hearts to see him intubated..can't imagine how uncomfortable that must feel. So again, we'll let all know when this procedure will take place. Keep praying for his new heart tocome along. God Bless you all.

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A Dedication to the Angel that gave me my new heart!

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