Houston, we have a problem...it turns out that Isaac might be hypoglycemic. We won't know for sure until they up his feeds and take him off of the dextrose drip, but I'm scared for them to even try to take him off the sugar. Last night, while we were in there with him, he started stirring and it looked like he had hiccups but it turned out that when we opened his blanket his whole left arm was twitching. Doctors and nurses came to check him and not even a minute before that started, they had checked his sugar level and it was pretty low. So they gave him some sugar water in his mouth and they upped his dextrose drip. Whithin about a minute, his arm stopped twitching and he was fine. They checked his sugar level again a few minutes later and it was back to normal. I'm thinking that this is exactly what happened a couple of days ago when his heart rate shot up. When the doctors made their rounds this morning, they told the nurse that when his feeds are increased, then they might take him off of the sugar. I'm scared to see what might happen. I think that because I'm borderline hypoglycemic and my family and Ernest's family has history of diabetes...I think he will be hypoglycemic. I think that because they are almost feeding him normal feedings. But you know what...if he is, I'm okay with that. Giving him sugar is an easy fix. We'll be talking to the transplant doctors very soon. Reason why is because we found out the infection is a common skin infection that he got from the iv line that he had on his thigh. They took that out earlier this week, but he still has the picc line on his left arm. They've taken cultures from that line also and it grew positive the first time and since today its negative. He'll be on antibiotics for a few more days. We want to find out from the transplant team about when he can be put back as active on the transplant list. We'll let you know when we find out. Please keep praying for a heart! God Bless you all!
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