Isaac is back in CVICU...again. Last night, about 9pm, Isaac's oxygen saturations went down to the 60's and occasional 50's. He is supposed to be saturating at above at least 70. It took them awhile to figure out if he really was or if the probe wasn't working. They tried everything...changing from feet to hands, changing probes, and nothing changed. So doctors were called in, they called for an xray and they called for them to put him on oxygen. As soon as he was put on oxygen, his saturations came back up. He was on oxygen for the rest of the night and this morning. During rounds, one of the doctors turned off the oxygen to test him, and he started desaturating again. So again, xrays, blood cultures and an echocardiogram was ordered. Doctors filled the room, it was loud and they were stressing him out even more. They wouldn't let him just rest. Everyone was trying to do every kind of test one right after the other, until I finally told them they were stressing him out. Doctors finally just decided to go ahead and move him to CVICU for closer observation. Everything is pretty much the same...still on oxygen but stable as long as he stays on oxygen. The heart cath to stent his ASD is still scheduled for Monday unless something else changes drastically. He is currently on IV fluids and not feeding. I feel so awful! Sometimes hunger pain is the worst kind of pain there is. But because he was so tired from this morning, he's been resting most of the day and hasn't really cried for his bottle. He will be observed throughout the night and then they'll see about starting his feeds up again. We still don't really have any answers but doctors are hoping that the ASD is causing all of this and that it will be gone once the procedure is done on Monday. Please pray!!!! We are so stressed at the moment. They've tried to reassure us that being on oxygen is not so much an emergency, but still....its something that changed so fast.
On a better note, Eli is here. He arrived just as all of this commotion was happening, so he was not able to see his brother. He's also got me worried about him. His eczema/allergies have flared up much more than ever. That's another reason for him not being able to see is brother. I'm hoping we can get him cleared up by Sunday before he goes back home.
So again, please keep Isaac in your prayers this weekend. We're hoping this procedure on Monday will keep him stable again without the oxygen. Wouldn't it be nice for Isaac to receive a new heart for Easter?!

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Praying for your sweet baby boy. Looking forward to good news after his procedure on Monday. Lois Petska (Braden's Grandma forever)
ReplyDeleteStarting to pray for his procedure today. Sorry about going back up to the CVICU. Hugs to you! Let me know if you want any company in the waiting room - me and Logan can be up there to entertain you in 10 minutes!