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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Agghhh....we want to scream. Isaac had a few Bradycardia episodes two days ago. His heart rate dropped, his pressures dropped, and he started to swell again. And it seems that when he swells, his CO2 and lactates go up. Our doctors are still trying to figure out what's wrong. We think that because Isaac had been awake more, moving around, and coughing up through the vent tube, of course he's causing more secretions and needing more suctioning. I think some of the nurses just didn't realize that they needed to suction him more often. So his lungs have showed to be a little more saturated. He had just started his feeds a few days ago and was on almost full feeds when the episode happened. So they stopped his feeds and added a few more drips to his already growing medication. They don't even know what's wrong with him yet. They've drawn some blood for genetic testing to see if maybe something is causing the high lactates, but we won't get the results for a few days. The worst part is that he is also on a drip to keep him sedated. They think that the agitation of him waking up and moving around caused these episodes. Right!!!?? They don't even know what else to tell us. More cultures were drawn a few days ago and some bacteria was found that is growing in his lungs. So here we go again with another antibiotic. Thankfully, this will not affect his status on the transplant list. They'll just treat and still keep him active. I don't even know what to say anymore. We just keep going downhill with little hope of getting back up. I wish his heart would get here...especially now. Not to say that it would totally fix him...but at least it would hopefully fix all his heart issues. Now we just have to wait and see if anything else is going on with him. He can't seem to recover well enough for them to extubate. We're just waiting to see if any of the tests show anything else going on. Please keep praying. Oh, but I almost forgot to post something very important. Last week, Isaac was baptized. Originally, we had thought to wait until we got home, but we finally just decided to get it done.

So, Eli is still here and because Isaac is in CVICU, it hasn't caused any real major issues. We try to keep him occupied and so here he is playing one of our computer games (memory). He's very good at it and who would've thought a three year old to know even how to use a laptop....

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1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry we aren't there to help - We are praying for you all.

    Lord, please let his heart arrive soon!


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A Dedication to the Angel that gave me my new heart!

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