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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rough Couple of Days...

3 days post heart cath, and its a slow recovery. They were hoping to extubate Isaac on Tuesday but while they were testing to see how well he did on his own, his heart rate went up, his co2 output was not great, and he was turning purplish. So, he is still on a breathing tube and has so many different ivs on him. He was extremely swollen the last couple of days so he was put on a Lasix drip. When we came in this morning, most of the swelling went away. Since the cath on Monday, he's had two echos done and his heart function is not great. They are still trying to figure it out. In my opinion, I think it was all the fluid build up that he was not getting rid of. Now that he's been on the drip for a whole day, his heart rate has come down gradually and he just looks overall better, but what do I know... Because it was an easy fix, that's what I'm hoping it was. I'm hoping he doesn't have to have any more procedures done until he gets his new heart. He's on 4 different drips...heparin to thin his blood, calcium, Lasix, and milrinone to help his heart function. I wish they would figure out if there is another underlying problem. One good thing that came out of this, is that he is on the highest status for a heart transplant (1A). In the mean time, we wait and take it day by day. Please pray that his recovery continues to go well and that his "angel" heart won't take too much longer to get here. God Bless everyone!

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  1. Gringo Greetings from Midland to this beautiful boy and his parents from Maria & Co.!! Lots of love and prayers coming your way....xoxoxo

  2. Oh little buddy! When they are intubated- time seems to stand still. I hope they are able to extubate him soon... it is so heart wrenching when they look so helpless.

    I will be praying that you get that call. And will pray for that couple to say "yes."


Please leave your comments and prayers!

A Dedication to the Angel that gave me my new heart!

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